Friday, May 21, 2010

My Lactose Intolerance

Its not their fault.  Its not their parents fault.  In fact, it probably dates back to biblical times, though I'm not sure its high on Jesus' list of stuff he WD.  Maybe the dudes in the GEICO commercial started it while posing for cave paintings.  I'd kind of like Scott Bakula or maybe MJF* to figure it out for me.  I'm talking about the time tested art of "Saying Cheese", and it must be stopped.  People...I'm starting a revolution!  Just Say No to Saying Cheese!
Most of the time, a subject could replace "Cheese" with "Hurry up and take the dang picture cause I've been here for an hour and I'm tired and hungry!" without skipping a beat.  Heres a cute picture I've entitled "Cheese, I Wanna Get Down".  I've named it this way because Olivia wanted no part of sitting on a window sill and repeatedly told me how much she wanted to get down.  I did get her to sit for a picture and sure, I captured a little "talk to the handiness"...but for the most part, I think this one falls flat.  Its staged.
This is more like precocious as can be and as my mom puts it "there's a little elf in her eyes."  Same set of ruins, same lighting conditions, the two shots are just minutes apart.  One feels forced and one captures Olivia's natural personality.  I really love the back-lighting.  The shot looks great in color but there is just something about black and white that makes it more appealing.  Its in the photographer's bag of tricks, but should be used sparingly.  Sometimes, it doesn't really work for a photo and looks out of place.  I think it works here.  Plus, its just a stinkin' cute picture!    
Black and white is one of the tricks in my just happens to be my favorite!  I dragged Brady all over the park.  I made him repel down a cliff and scale the lighthouse.  Sadly, the lens cap was on and I missed the extreme side of Brady.  I opted for more traditional pictures.  I gave Brady one instruction, "head over to that window."  I wanted to see what he would do...he hit a very natural pose.  This is the first of 10 shots, and its the best one.  Shots 2-10...CHEESE!  Not that a single one of them was a bad shot.  But the off-the-cuff, unscripted shots are more my speed.      

Here's another must have for any parents desk.  A happy shot of brother and sister, sitting peacefully on some steps, big brother being gently hugged by his diminutive little sister as if this is a totally normal, completely common occurrence.  Now anyone who has ever been a kid, had a kid, seen a kid, or been related to a kid knows full matter how sweet and pleasant kids are, this never happens!  I'm the oldest of four boys. If you took an honest photo of the four of us in out natural habitat it would look more like...
THIS...but with more crying.  "Hey Livi...hug your brother," I said.  "Hug" in three year old speak clearly translates to...sleeper hold.  I bet this is a more accurate representation of a solid brother sister relationship.  Big brother is protective of little sister...little sister treats big brother like a jungle gym!  Brady doesn't seem to mind.  He was a really good sport about it, and let Olivia climb all over a big brother should.

The whole idea behind saying "cheese" is to get a subjects mouth to form that "long e" sound so it looks like a smile.  So, I'm not just proposing the ban of the word "cheese" but I have a solution.  I'm making the switch, and I suggest you do to.  Next time you take a picture or have your picture taken, change it up.  I'm saying "wEEEEEEasel" from now on.  Weasel...its the new "Cheese".


*denotes time travel reference

Monday, May 17, 2010

My Daily Dose of Exercise

Look at that face.  Lilah is such an angel.  You'd never know that she is THE FASTEST CHILD ALIVE!  Wow.  I though I was the fastest child alive when I was 22 months old...but this little ball of fun put me to shame.
If there is one market I have cornered, its the "Girls I went to college with and their kids" market.  This shoot marks the third I've done with girls I went to college with and their kids.  This time it was Hannah and Lilah, and Hannah's sister Heidi (who I did not go to college with) and her one year old daughter, Peyton.  The moment the four-some arrived at the Hilton Garden Inn in Freeport, the girls were off like a shot!  Lilah acting as the mentor for Peyton, and the both of them leaving vapor trails behind them.  Not even the high tech camera, the green ball, or my winning smile was enough to keep them in one place for long.  No biggie...I only need a second.  I took 300 photos in an hour and a half!! 200 of which were tiny blurs in green dresses.  Odds were high that I had some good shots.

It doesn't happen often, but I actually surprised myself with the number of decent images I captured.  The sun was KILLER bright, so seeing my LCD screen was tough...couldn't tell if my shutter was set right, or of the aperture was open enough.  The girls were so fast I wasn't even sure I was in focus half the time!  It wasn't until about 9:00 Sunday night that I realized Hannah and Heidi could actually be pleased with what I had done!  Again, the secret is to only take pictures of wicked cute kids!  You'll never go wrong.
When I said the sun was killer, I meant it.  I am still working without a non-built-in flash.  The flash that comes with the camera is great for everyday stuff, but not super when professional-style photos.  I've got to be sensitive to where the sun is and make sure those little eyes aren't looking directly...kiddos don't know how not to squint.

This cutie is the aforementioned, Peyton.  Who couldn't stand to be away from her cousin for very long.  She was a tough nut to crack.  Very aware of the camera and where I was, I only caught her smiling a handful of times.  This is one of those times, but it was so worth it.  She was such a good natured girl.  Took her a while (and about 50 Goldfish, a bottle, and numerous toys) to warm up...but once she did she was a pleasure!  As a mom or a dad, you REALLY just want your kid to sit there, smile pretty, and then have a few good shots you can frame later on.  ALL of these shots were candid, VERY candid.  With two mobile, strong willed little girls, they have to be candid.  I am the proud dad of such a mobile strong willed girl.  Getting them to sit still is like running up-hill, in quicksand, with a 50 pound sack of potatoes strapped to your back, while trying to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time.  Tried it this sounds harder then it is.  Even still, I've learned to just let them do what they are gonna do.  The pictures will always be adorable.

Well, Lilah did slow down...about 90 minutes into the shoot.  Hannah scooped her up and she had a little down time.  The legs may have been a little tired, but look at those eyes...plotting her next incident of cuteness.  I did a little figuring in my head...I estimate I ran a mile and a half around that park.  The mom's apologized profusely for their highly active little ones...I wouldn't have had it any other way.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Oooo Baby Baby. Oooo Bay-Bay-bay Baby.

The first rule of any good television news story: always lead with your best video.  Today I am applying that rule to the blog.  Instead of opening with some mildly witty prose, how about a picture!  After all, it is a blog about photography.  Honestly, why hear from me when you could just look at a wicked cute baby.  Say what's up to Paxton!  Pax was our first official paying gig...and I quickly learned shooting babies, while fun, can be a little nerve-racking for a first timer.  You wanna give mom and dad pictures that can look at 15 years later and still tear up over.  Did I?

Without lights or a decent flash, I'm at the mercy of the sun.  There was a perfect south facing window in Paxton's house.  That window was exposes to direct sunlight all day long.  It was shining bright on the day of the shoot and the window was the best option as far as lighting goes.  I just needed to diffuse it a bit.  Pax's mom had a canvas shade on the window, I dropped it and there it was, the PREFECT lighting conditions.
What parent hasn't used a pinky as a pacifier!?  Its never lost under the couch, or wrapped up in blankets, or being carried around the house by the dog.  Makes for a nice moment between father and son, too.  
If you have been reading my blog faithfully (Mom), you've noticed there are far fewer words than normal.  I'm trying this new thing where the pictures speak from themselves.  It reminds me of the game "See who can be quiet the longest" my folks made me and my brothers play on long car rides.  I always lost.  Always.  I'm really fighting the urge to write more.  But with FOUR shoots over the next two days, I'm sure I'll be back to my long winded, witty, "hilarious" self by Monday.  Also, I would like to apologize for the Salt n' Peppa inspired was the first thing that can to mind.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

For Daddy

"Cheese.  Cheese.  Cheese."  Nathaniel figured if he was saying "cheese", I was taking a picture.  So he walked around Prescott Park in Portsmouth saying the magic word for about and hour.  If I HAD taken a picture for every "cheese" he dropped, I would have snapped about 500 shots!!  As it is, I took about 200.  Par for the course.
I've been to Prescott Park loads of times...its nice.  A great place for a photo session.  The park strikes a nice balance between old school buildings on the Strawberry Banke side, an urban feel (its just feet away from downtown Portsmouth), and if you like pictures with a nautical theme the river is right there. Nathaniel lives with him mom Kelli, a good friend from college, and his dad, Doug.  Doug is a naval officer and Nathaniel has spent his whole life hanging out in, on, and around naval bases.  So the whole nautical theme worked out.  Prescott Park is across the river from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.  So every time a boat went by, the shoot stopped.  When the deck of a nearby bridge went up, the shoot stopped.  Nathaniel was a little preoccupied.  I never knew how many ships came into Portsmouth.  

I met Nathaniel's mom way back in the day...the 90's.  Kelli and I went to UMaine together, we were in the University Singers together, and Kelli lived in the all-girls dorm I would frequent...there was a study group.  Seriously.  Not only did Kel need updated pictures of Nathaniel, she wanted a few maternity shots, AND the pictures were a surprise gift for Doug.  Like a lot of Navy fams, Doug is in school, or training a lot.  Kel is a stay-at-home mom, and at that point 33 weeks pregnant!  But when Doug is home, he wastes no time, spending all of it with his young family.  I've never known how Navy families do it...I was away from my family for a week earlier this year, and by day two I was ready to call it quits!  I had a few of my favorite pictures with made it easier to be away.  These photos were headed for daddy's desk, so when he's gone at weeks at a time, he's has pictures to remind him what he has at home.  
We took a walk to nearby Strawberry Banke.  Its an historic site...a great collection of weathered, colonial buildings with charm.  I asked Nathaniel to bust out his best "cool guy pose"...and that is what he comes up with.  Cool indeed.  Hit the shot with a little photoshop action, and the result is a photo fit for any daddy's desk.  If that doesn't take the edge of the distance, I don't know what would.

Kelli has a great support system around her.  She's used to Doug being away because her dad travelled a lot.  She's got a great role model in her own mother.  Clearly, Mr. Man enjoys being the center of attention, evident from this nice three generations shot.  It was a good day for the shoot too...slightly overcast.  Clouds act as a natural diffuser for the harsh sunlight.  No unsightly eye shadows, the flexibility to shoot at any angle...even for a recovering video nerd, it rocks.

By now, Kelli is 38 weeks number two will be here any day now.  Nathaniel is pretty excited to be a big brother and Kelli will have her mom skills put to the test.  She'll do great!  And I'll have visual evidence of those skill soon enough...I'll be taking newborn pictures of baby #2 in a few weeks!  Cheese!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Phun with Photoshop

I was a photo-snob.  A purist.  I didn't care how much icing was on the cake.  I did not heart programs like photoshop where you could go in a "touch up", fix the imperfections you might have missed, correct the color and stuff that that.  "If you can't do it right the first time, don't bother picking up a camera, chief!" is what I used to say.  I have recently recanted my snobbery and the use of the word chief though...cause quiet frankly, photoshop is pretty freaking sweet!

The program is really limitless, but I only need it to do a few things.  Mostly, I use it for color "correction" and soften up my photos.  Case in point is right there...the same photo edited two ways.  Mrs. Me has been on me to post pictures of our kids being cute since I have a ton of other pictures of other kids being cute.  We don't have a lot though.  Its a phenomena that I like to call "The Builder's Dilemma".  The guys who builds houses for a living will always work on his last.  Hence, my kids get the shaft BIG TIME!  But it's Mother's win honey! = )  Yes, that is Makenna.  No, she isn't black and white in real life.  She's been Photoshopped.  She was rocking her Easter dress...a really pretty aqua color and I wanted to highlight the dress.  I uploaded the original shot (which was wicked cute anyway), and removed every color other than aqua.  I brightened it up a bit and softened it up to make it look like she was glowing.  Its all artsy...I love both photos for different reasons.    

Don't call it a comeback cause he's been here for years!  Johnny-boy returns to the blog!  This time dropping the prepster-chic look and is kickin' it hoops-style!  Thus the bad-ass look.  I called John Pistol Pete, but in reality, his role model is Rajon Rondo, hence the upside down "Swoosh". Again the same shot presented two different ways.  The original shot, unedited is on the top.  With the basketball in the foreground out of focus and all of the colors matching up...its a decent shot.   But it needed a little bit of help.  I saw this pic of Paul Pierce a while back and wanted to make it look similar.  I jacked the sharpness WAY up.  So instead of glowing, you could see every detail.  I boosted the level of blackness, upped the contrast, washed out the color, and added a vignette (darkened the edges).  The first thing my brother said upon seeing the picture "That looks like a Nike ad."  Mission accomplished.  This pictures was a slam dunk*!  The rumor is it was turned into a poster and its hanging in John's room.  So if anyone from Nike is reading this...I am available most weekend.

And now for two super-sweet pictures!  Makenna and Alyssa.  This is what they look like for the first 5 to 10 minutes of being together.  All huggy and lovey and playful and sweet.  Then its like the old WWF tag team "The Natural Disasters". Hurricane Makenna and Cyclone Alyssa.  Literally, its CRAZY!  Didn't do a whole lot to this one.  Just boosted the colors a little.  The red and the aqua were so bright anyway, I just highlighted them a tad.  About three minutes after this photo was taken, all heck broke loose! 
Check out Ava.  3 months post-surgery.  She is such a fat and happy baby!  Possible the most precious picture I have taken so far.  Just had to send this one to blackandwhite-ville.  What else can you say about a beautiful baby...I'd just ruin it with my words.  Enjoy.  
I'm still working on my photoshop skills.  It will take some time, but I'll get there.  Beside, you know what they way about too much icing, don't you???  Seriously, do you know any catch phrases about icing...I'm drawing a blank.  Happy Mothers Day everyone!


PS...There is a rumor going around that I have a son too.  He has yet to appear in any of my pictures WITHOUT cake all over his face.  There will be day.  Maybe he'll let me take his senior pics.  Check back in 17 years.

*denotes bad pun

Friday, May 7, 2010

My signature word

I've shown you a few of my latest shoots.  Now, I'll take on on a magical mystery tour...way back to the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth...2009.  Fine, you got me, it was last fall.  But it seems like forever ago.

My first shoot ever as a "professional"; John, Alyssa (blondey over there), and Ava.  They are pretty awesome*.  They are all pretty cute.  They are all Wheeler's.  My brothers kids.  We had just picked up out Nikon D90 at Hunts in South Portland and needed willing guinea pigs.  When in doubt, turn to your family...whatever, it was free.  We headed to the Footbridge in Ogunquit ie; the world's most awesome* beach.  It was sunset.  As far as I'm concerned the best time of day to take pictures.  The sunlight is still bright, but the lower the sun sits the softer and warmer the light is.  Warmer in regards to color, not temperature.  From what I hear, the sun is raging hot wherever it is. That's science.

And THAT is my sister-in-law, Tree.  Yep.  Tree.  Actually name, not short for anything.  She's holding baby Ava, who is one tough kiddo.  Ava was born with a severely deformed heart.  The best way to describe it...well, only half of it works and its in backwards.  She had her first of two open heart surgeries four days before Christmas.  They live in Wells.  We live in Portland, and Ava was at Maine Med.  So Jamie, the kids and I, my in-laws, my brother, sister in-law, John, Alyssa, and just released from the hospital Ava, opened presents in our condo on Christmas morning.  Best.  Christmas.  Ever.  Ava is doing awesome* now.  She is such a sweet baby.  Not out of the woods yet though.  Surgery two is months or possibly years away.  For now, she's the Wheeler family miracle.  And she'll have a long life of me sticking a camera in her face.  She also rocks a mean baby-hawk!
And then there is John.  Technically, my step-nephew, but he's just as Wheeler as the rest of us.  He is ranked highly on my top five most awesome* kids of all time list.  John was a pro...he rocked some mad awesomeness* during the shoot.  I didn't even have to tell him what to do.  He's a natural.  His awesome-ocity* known no bounds.  Pretty sure he was Pistol Pete Maravich in his former life.  You should see the kid "ball."  Mad skillzzzzz, dawg.  He's straight up killin' 4-5th grade pee-wizzz-ee hoop-shizle!  Wait...what?            

There's Alyssa again going all cyclopes behind John.  Don't let the coyness fool you, she is a spark plug!  She never stops moving, talking, singing, yelling, playing, bossing, or bouncing...and she can do all that at once!  Its pretty spectacular to witness.  But she stopped long enough.  I say "Hey Alyssa, go hug John."  She replies, "I don't like him enough and he smells."  Clearly, at 4, she had already mastered the art of sarcasm.  Another sure sign that she is, indeed, related to me.  Wheeler's are basically awesome* at sarcasm.

By now, you all see my signature word is Awesome*.  I've been saying it for years...I mean, before Captain Awesome* was a staple on Chuck, before Crayola produced the color Awesome*(its dark pink btw), and WAY before Wells-based rapper S'pose dropped "I'm Awesome*" on the world...I was awesome*.  I think thats 13 awesomes*.  Wait...14.  

*denotes signature word

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cause It Makes You Think

Look at that kid.  He's pretty cute.  But I can't take credit.  That's Logan, the kiddo of one of Jamie's co-workers.  Really good little guy.  Pretty laid back, at least for me.  I'm sure like most babies, he behaves for the new guy with the camera, and then goes home and yanks all of the pots and pans out of the cabinets and goes all baby-Lars Ulrich sitting on the kitchen floor.  Can't really blame's kind of his job.

But on this day, his job was to just sit there, be adorable and tell Metallica to keep their own beat (cause Lars Ulrich is the drummer for...get the joke now???).  And he was adorable.  Mom and Dad were a little concerned however.  It was a very sunny day, and like his Mom, poor Logan's eyes are a little sensitive to sunlight.  He was pretty squinty.  But I have my ways to unsquintify* people.

Luckily, Fort Williams in Cape Elizabeth has a great blend of sunny spots and shady spots.  After struggling to get Logan to sit still in the sun, we opted for the shade.  There is a rock wall by the ruins, very shady.  I popped on my 50mm/f1.4 and went to town!  He loosened right up...and started eating leaves, twigs, acorns, and a rock.  Logan knew ingesting nature was frowned upon in most parental circles, but he did it anyway.  Any opportunity for mischief makes for a good that one.  If he could talk, he'd be saying "Yep.  I'm eating a leaf. Deal with it."

So dad finally wrestled the leaf away... much to Logan's dismay.  But he didn't freak.  By this time we were 45 minutes into the shoot and he had figured out the drill.  Dad and Logan quickly started playing the game "I'll put this leaf in my mouth and you'll take it away from me".  So if it looks like Logan is growling, he is.  The image is a little action-y*, so boom, black and white it is!  Go into Photoshop, up the contrast and the brightness just a bit.  And there you have...a picture of Logan yelling at his parents!  Not the first time, probably not that last.

Remember that sunny day I was talking about.  Well the sun was going down and I took full advantage.  Logan was spent and fading fast.  In an attempt to keep him up, Dad started tossing Logan like nearly every dad has done with his kid.  I crouched down and caught this silhouette.  This has quickly become my all-time favorite shot ever since October.  Heres why I like it, cause it makes you think...hence the title.  There are no smiles.  No real detail.  Not a lot of color.  I see the photo and it brings back fond memories.  The first time I tossed my daughter in the air.  And the second and third and the countless times after that, and the giggle was always the same.  I remember the first time I tossed my son.  He cried, a lot.  Apparently, not a fan of going airborne.  He's cool with it now.  The image doesn't tell me how to feel, but I can relate to it in a deep and meaningful way.   No more talking...check out the shot, tell me what you feel.

I've got about 20 photo shoots in the books that are blogable*, so keep an eye out.  Now excuse me, I'm gonna go download some sentimental dad songs on Napster* just to tick off Lars Ulrich.

-- Jason

*denotes made up word

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Gotta start somewhere.

Check us out on Facebook at Through The Lens!!!

Look at us!  We're blogging!  Finally...

So here it is, the first of many.  But what to say...what to say?  Anything, right.  That's kinda the point.

The beginning.  Jamie and I started "Through The Lens" in the fall of '09 as a way to do something together...something thing that was work-ish but felt like play time.  Between jobs, rambunctious kids, Jamie's grad school, my mild addiction to quoting Will Ferrell movies, my infrequent trips to the gym, our kitchen counter's complete inability to clean itself, and don't even get me started on the laundry; our creative/fun sides took a backseat to all of the "life" that was happening to us.

We started or two shoots on a weekend...our nieces and nephew, a young couple, and kids.  Lots and lots of kids.  I absolutely loves shooting kids!  It is a challenge, big time.  Babies are easy, they just kind of lay there and look all baby-like and sweet and you just have to make sure they are in focus. High school seniors are simple yet highly enjoyable.  Its like, you tell them to stand a certain way...move here...go they do it.  The the images always look sharp and you have a sense of accomplishment.  And then there is the 16 years in between...oh boy.  I was that age once.  My kids are that age now.  I can't even get my kids to eat all of their hot dog without throwing it across the room, so how the heck do I get kids I don't know to sit still for the 1/500th of a second it takes for the shutter to open and close?  Think like them.

Easy for me.  I've never been accused of being mature...ever.  Classy, yes.  Good looking, of course.  Mature, get out of town!  Acting like an adult will always back fire when dealing with kids.  Check that, other peoples kids.  I get to be that crazy cool uncle the kids see every now and then, but whenever they do see him, he is always fun.  Case in point, the Adams boys.  I've known mom, Jen, since our days at UMaine.  Jen and I used to act like 12 year olds together in college, and nothing has changed.  And it seems Jen has transfered that energy to her three the best way possible!  Eli, Jaxson, and Zander are exactly what you think boys ages 17 to 2 you'd expect to be...high energy.  Just like me at any age.  I took a risk, I took them to the Marginal Way in O-Town.  Boys / Rocks + Cliffs x Ocean - Personal Safety = Awesome!  Turned out to be prefect.

The goal of any photographer it to capture the true spirit of your subject.  So how better to capture the manic energy of a little boy then put that in a situation that allows them to be themselves.  We spent the first 10 minutes climbing, running, jumping, giving Jen an aneurysm, and having fun.  Playing like boys.  And then, they stopped, literally for 1/500ths of a second.  And that is all it takes.  In that 1/500ths of a second, the boys took a break from their boy-ing, and gave me a bunch of honest images.  Jaxson up there, he just stopped, stayed, and smiled for about 3 seconds.  Zander did his best Jesus impression on his own, and Eli, on the right, was a split second from hurling himself over the tidal pool and sticking the landing.  I hope Jen's panic attack was worth it...I think the images came out great.

There it number 1.  And now I'm torn, do I start on blog number two, or do I fold clothes and watch Anchorman.  Bed it is!

-- Jason


Welcome to our blog! This is a great way for us to share our photo's with the public while we are building our business. We are very glad you stopped by. We offer viewing of our photo's on Facebook, but for those of you who do not have Facebook you miss out! So here we go--our stab at getting the word out there! We hope you enjoy looking at our work as much as we enjoy doing itT