Sunday, May 9, 2010

Phun with Photoshop

I was a photo-snob.  A purist.  I didn't care how much icing was on the cake.  I did not heart programs like photoshop where you could go in a "touch up", fix the imperfections you might have missed, correct the color and stuff that that.  "If you can't do it right the first time, don't bother picking up a camera, chief!" is what I used to say.  I have recently recanted my snobbery and the use of the word chief though...cause quiet frankly, photoshop is pretty freaking sweet!

The program is really limitless, but I only need it to do a few things.  Mostly, I use it for color "correction" and soften up my photos.  Case in point is right there...the same photo edited two ways.  Mrs. Me has been on me to post pictures of our kids being cute since I have a ton of other pictures of other kids being cute.  We don't have a lot though.  Its a phenomena that I like to call "The Builder's Dilemma".  The guys who builds houses for a living will always work on his last.  Hence, my kids get the shaft BIG TIME!  But it's Mother's win honey! = )  Yes, that is Makenna.  No, she isn't black and white in real life.  She's been Photoshopped.  She was rocking her Easter dress...a really pretty aqua color and I wanted to highlight the dress.  I uploaded the original shot (which was wicked cute anyway), and removed every color other than aqua.  I brightened it up a bit and softened it up to make it look like she was glowing.  Its all artsy...I love both photos for different reasons.    

Don't call it a comeback cause he's been here for years!  Johnny-boy returns to the blog!  This time dropping the prepster-chic look and is kickin' it hoops-style!  Thus the bad-ass look.  I called John Pistol Pete, but in reality, his role model is Rajon Rondo, hence the upside down "Swoosh". Again the same shot presented two different ways.  The original shot, unedited is on the top.  With the basketball in the foreground out of focus and all of the colors matching up...its a decent shot.   But it needed a little bit of help.  I saw this pic of Paul Pierce a while back and wanted to make it look similar.  I jacked the sharpness WAY up.  So instead of glowing, you could see every detail.  I boosted the level of blackness, upped the contrast, washed out the color, and added a vignette (darkened the edges).  The first thing my brother said upon seeing the picture "That looks like a Nike ad."  Mission accomplished.  This pictures was a slam dunk*!  The rumor is it was turned into a poster and its hanging in John's room.  So if anyone from Nike is reading this...I am available most weekend.

And now for two super-sweet pictures!  Makenna and Alyssa.  This is what they look like for the first 5 to 10 minutes of being together.  All huggy and lovey and playful and sweet.  Then its like the old WWF tag team "The Natural Disasters". Hurricane Makenna and Cyclone Alyssa.  Literally, its CRAZY!  Didn't do a whole lot to this one.  Just boosted the colors a little.  The red and the aqua were so bright anyway, I just highlighted them a tad.  About three minutes after this photo was taken, all heck broke loose! 
Check out Ava.  3 months post-surgery.  She is such a fat and happy baby!  Possible the most precious picture I have taken so far.  Just had to send this one to blackandwhite-ville.  What else can you say about a beautiful baby...I'd just ruin it with my words.  Enjoy.  
I'm still working on my photoshop skills.  It will take some time, but I'll get there.  Beside, you know what they way about too much icing, don't you???  Seriously, do you know any catch phrases about icing...I'm drawing a blank.  Happy Mothers Day everyone!


PS...There is a rumor going around that I have a son too.  He has yet to appear in any of my pictures WITHOUT cake all over his face.  There will be day.  Maybe he'll let me take his senior pics.  Check back in 17 years.

*denotes bad pun

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