Saturday, May 15, 2010

Oooo Baby Baby. Oooo Bay-Bay-bay Baby.

The first rule of any good television news story: always lead with your best video.  Today I am applying that rule to the blog.  Instead of opening with some mildly witty prose, how about a picture!  After all, it is a blog about photography.  Honestly, why hear from me when you could just look at a wicked cute baby.  Say what's up to Paxton!  Pax was our first official paying gig...and I quickly learned shooting babies, while fun, can be a little nerve-racking for a first timer.  You wanna give mom and dad pictures that can look at 15 years later and still tear up over.  Did I?

Without lights or a decent flash, I'm at the mercy of the sun.  There was a perfect south facing window in Paxton's house.  That window was exposes to direct sunlight all day long.  It was shining bright on the day of the shoot and the window was the best option as far as lighting goes.  I just needed to diffuse it a bit.  Pax's mom had a canvas shade on the window, I dropped it and there it was, the PREFECT lighting conditions.
What parent hasn't used a pinky as a pacifier!?  Its never lost under the couch, or wrapped up in blankets, or being carried around the house by the dog.  Makes for a nice moment between father and son, too.  
If you have been reading my blog faithfully (Mom), you've noticed there are far fewer words than normal.  I'm trying this new thing where the pictures speak from themselves.  It reminds me of the game "See who can be quiet the longest" my folks made me and my brothers play on long car rides.  I always lost.  Always.  I'm really fighting the urge to write more.  But with FOUR shoots over the next two days, I'm sure I'll be back to my long winded, witty, "hilarious" self by Monday.  Also, I would like to apologize for the Salt n' Peppa inspired was the first thing that can to mind.


1 comment:

  1. Love it!! Thank you so much Jason and Jamie - I know we will look back on those photos and not only love the pictures of our little man but love the memories of having you both there to capture it! We love you both and can't wait for our next shoot in a few weeks!!
